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How To:  Moisturize Your Face - Nista Lifestyle

Every morning or at night before bedtime you wash your face. This is one step in maintaining a health skincare regime, but the second step many people forget is to moisture. Moisturizing and washing your face should be second nature- like cleaning your face or brushing your teeth

Once your finish washing your face, follow these three tips to apply moisturizer for glowing, hydrated skin.

1. Wash your face. Before you moisturizing clean your face. Wash your face with a gentle facial wash with luck warm water for 10 seconds, then pat or bloat dry.

2. Determine your skin type. Skin types range from normal (not to dry or oily), oily, dry,

combination (dry and oily) or sensitive.

Find your skin type link:: type.


3. Use a light touch. Use your fingertips in an upward motion starting from your neck to your

forehead. Be extra gentle around the eye area to avoid irritation. This technique reduces your face and neck from sagging.

With extra attention, time, and moisturizer added to your daily skincare routine can help maintain radiant and healthy skin.

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